sharples - Page 4

A Crumby ‘Thank You’ to Our Workers

I am completely biased in saying this as the Crumb Cafe’s co-head director, but the café has truly become one of my favorite spaces on campus. Sure, our wait times can be inconsistent, but what was once a financially floundering café operating
April 11, 2019

Dear Prospective Swattie: What We Want You to Know

Welcome to Swat! As you attend admitted student events, go to the activities fair, and explore campus, we at The Phoenix want to impart on you some of our insights about the College to help you in your deliberative process. Each member
April 11, 2019

Sharples-related IBS: A Hidden Epidemic

We’ve all been there: rushing to a morning class, a pit stop at the bathroom becomes a ten minute ordeal as the contents of last night’s Sharples bar are forcibly expelled from your bowels. You don’t get used to it; it never
February 28, 2019

Sharples Renovation Firm Solicits Student Feedback

In recent weeks, another mainstay was added to the motley collection of Sharples presences: a group of architects eager to ask questions about the proposed Sharples renovation project. The project, approved in May of 2018, will utilize a 2013 $7 million gift
February 7, 2019
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