
What Happened to Favorites?

My least favorite year of my life was 2007. I was in kindergarten, and we had a class-wide spelling bee. I would go to bed every night with my mom quizzing me on words such as “can” and “ham” and “am” and

I Miss Snooki

Summer 2009. The sun is shining, the waves are waving, and Obama is president. The Jersey Shore, as it’s colloquially referred to, is a hotspot for teenagers and youngsters in their twenties searching for a place to relax and spend time with


Dinosaur of the Month: Dino Nuggets  Growing up, I always had a fresh home-cooked meal ready for me. My mom, through her decades of experience in the kitchen, could whip up sandwiches, curries, and even fried rice in a matter of minutes.



Dinosaur of the Week: Microraptor Growing up, I was a big summer camp kid. I would anticipate the thrill of being dropped off at a forest-y campsite with a few of my friends – and a handful of kids from across the


Magic Oreo Bars

I’m a religion major. I tend to see God all around me. On those beautiful spring days when the weather isn’t too hot or too cold, I see God in the air. When the sun is out and the sky is blue,


Sabbatical? More Like Shabbatical.

One of the darkest moments of my life fell on a Wednesday morning sometime in October of 2023. I was meeting with one of my professors during office hours to ask a few questions about course material and the future direction of

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