opinions\ - Page 3

Why Swat?

The American news cycle is, frankly, boring me. There is nothing interesting to editorialize, in part because the presidential election has not yet transfigured into a meme. Facebook, Amazon, and Google are still trying to ruin the world one ad campaign at
March 21, 2019

Everyone Should Get Vaccinated

Anti-vaxxers seem to have recently risen from the ashes of misinformation campaigns, and their voices are seemingly louder now than ever before. They refuse to vaccinate their children and are often regarded as evil, uneducated individuals who could not possibly want the
March 21, 2019

Stop Conflating Election Fraud with Voter Fraud

Months after the midterm elections in November, North Carolina’s 9th District still does not have a representative in Congress. The election in this Republican-leaning district was one of the closest in the country, with Republican Mark Harris recorded as winning 905 more
March 7, 2019

Smartphones Have Turned Us into Cyborgs

According to Pew Research Center, 94 percent of adults ages 18-29 own a smartphone. This puts most of us just seconds away from the internet. On average, according to the University of Southern California Annenberg, we spend 24 hours online every week.
March 7, 2019

Ethics: A Forgotten Component of Computer Science Education

Today’s tech industry is given a mysterious glow by popular culture. Coders are seen as prodigies creating a newly imagined future whose mechanisms the rest of us no longer understand. This exciting and secretive position can be extremely alluring for math-inclined college
March 7, 2019

Money is Ruining Youth Sports

America is known for its obsession with sports. We have four of the five largest professional sports leagues in the world and by far the largest system of collegiate athletics. Children tend to play more sports as well; very few other countries
March 7, 2019

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