theater - Page 4

Artist of the Week Fouad Dakwar on The Political Nature of Art

“I have this notebook from fourth grade, my songwriting notebook,” Fouad Dakwar ’22 recalls. “I didn’t know how to notate [songs] or anything, it’s just lyrics, but ever since then I’ve been making melodies.” Fouad Dakwar, a music and theatre honors special
September 26, 2019

An Exquisite Corpse Brims with Life

“An Exquisite Corpse” as directed by Rohan Hejmadi ’21 and Amaechi Abuah ’21 brought the apocalypse to the audience. On February 22, 2019, at the main stage of the Lang Performing Arts Center, four actors played in one of the most varied
February 28, 2019

Darkness and Light Resound in “The Pillowman”

At 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 2, the Frear Ensemble Theater in LPAC transformed from a generally unassuming room to a claustrophobic police questioning room in some all-too-near authoritarian dictatorship. As a high-pitched, gritty sound played over the speakers in the theater,
December 6, 2018

Auditions Behind the Tempest

Last week, Yellow Stockings held auditions for their upcoming performance of Shakespeare’s, “The Tempest”. Individual auditions were held for both actors and dancers in the Scheuer Room of Kohlberg and the Troy Dance Lab. There was a great turnout of 31 people
February 1, 2018

Amazing Talent at the Playwright’s Festival

Last weekend Swarthmore’s Drama Board put on a Playwrights festival in Olde Club. This event featured five plays and writers, six directors, 22 different actors, and also the help of many other students. Walking into Olde Club, one could notice the cozy
April 27, 2017
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