theater - Page 3

BIENVENIDOS BLANCOS! NOIR — The Cigarette Stubs Version

Disclaimer: This article is a work of satire based on a previously published interview with director Alex Torra. This work aims to satirize the student journalist’s creative process rather than the play BIENVENIDOS BLANCOS or the interviewee. The circumstances surrounding the interview
February 27, 2020

Fashioning a New Course: THEA014c

As a Studio Art major, I constantly search for new art forms and ways to learn different mediums. Trained and focused as a painter, I have plunked my brush into lots of wet paint —  watercolor, oil, gauche, acrylic, ink. Always fascinated
February 20, 2020

One Act Festival Offers Disparate Drama

The annual One Act Festival kicked off in LPAC mainstage on Friday, with a matinée the following afternoon and a final performance Saturday night. The festival consisted of three original half-hour plays, all written, directed, produced, and acted by students. The show
February 6, 2020

Bedroom Scene Breaks Boundaries on Stage

Last weekend on LPAC main stage a student theater production took place, transforming the grand space into an intimate environment between student and actor. With a bed as its centerpiece, actors wandered around on stage before the show began, in a moment
October 31, 2019
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