
Hot Diggity Dog: Diane Watson and Dobby

Meet Diane Watson, administrative assistant, and her ten-year-old Shih Tzu, Dobby. A NEW BEGINNING: While many dogs experience a lot of love and affection during the first couple years in their lives, Dobby had a rough start. Diane’s nephew was in
February 14, 2013

Hot Diggity Dog: Phil Everson and Otis

Meet Phil Everson, Statistics professor, and his five-and-a-half-year-old mixed German Sheppard and Golden Retriever. “THIS ONE CHOSE US:”  Phil and his wife, Andrea, decided to add a new member to their family two years after their previous dog, Miles, passed away. (The
November 29, 2012

Hot Diggity Dog: Steve Levin, Allie and George

Meet Steve Levin, the friendly man you see on your trips to the bookstore and the textbook and tradebook manager, and his two black Labrador Retrievers, Allie and George. BACK TO THE BEGINNING: Steve met Allie and George at different shelters. Allie,
October 25, 2012

Hot Diggity Dog: Ruth Krakower and Charlie

Meet Ruth Krakower, Director of Alumni and Gift Records, and her two-and-a-half-year-old English Cocker Spaniel, Charlie. GOTTA LOVE THOSE COCKER SPANIELS: Ruth had wanted an English Cocker Spaniel since seeing one at a dog show. Although she had originally planned on adopting,
October 4, 2012

Tom Elverson and Henry

New feature: Swarthmore faculty and staff with their beloved canines Hot Diggity Dog: Tom Elverson & Henry Meet Tom Elverson, the College’s Alcohol Education and Intervention Specialist, and his eight-year-old Labrador Retriever, Henry. THE START OF A WONDERFUL COMPANIONSHIP: Henry was given
September 5, 2012

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