Who’s that girl?

In the summer months before freshman year, all I thought about was “college” (in scare quotes because, to me, college was basically a scare-y quote). I was incredibly stressed and I channeled that stress by focusing on the only things I knew


I decided to move out of the house

Labores incorrupte vim an. Id augue populo alienum usu, has harum consectetuer ne, ne clita fuisset dignissim quo. Semper oportere assueverit eum eu. Ex facilisi dignissim vituperata mei, ad noluisse assueverit est. Nam no dico quas delectus.

Fashion in flux

We are all sitting on Parrish beach in sundresses waiting for the school year to end so we can gtfo. We want to wear color and wander around with music playing out to the open air and rest. Sunday nights at Sharples

Strip me | Structure and detail

Parker Murray ‘15 is an industrial design special major, recognizable as the junior in crisp, incredibly white shirts and bright, tasteful colors. He moves with a deliberate, powerful stride across campus and then off campus, to his room in an apartment on

Aesthete athlete: Sport style at Swat

We often build our identities around the things that we do. For 15 percent of our student body, varsity athletics provides a striking visual reflection of that reality. There are functional and practical aspects to the predominance of certain styles among athletes,


This bowl is on fire

The Sunday before classes began this semester, from a few tables away, I saw Nick Witchey sitting in Hobbs brunching. His fine-boned face was framed by silky Medieval pageboy hair, and until I could meet him in the flesh, I decided to

Dressing to her identity: Paige Willey on fashion

Paige Willey is a beacon of confident and competent self-presentation. Watching from a distance, I was intrigued and intimidated by the crispness of her collared shirts and the perfect fit of her occasional blazer. Sitting in the lobby of McCabe wearing a