Student Council rediscussed paying StuCo members, the time line for the upcoming StuCo elections, and considered the possibility of buying picnic tables to place behind Sharples.
Only six members of Student Council attended the weekly meeting, meaning that quorum was not met: at least seven members of StuCo must be present for StuCo to meet officially. However, StuCo members did discuss upcoming initiatives, including collecting student feedback on
On April 22nd, Angela Shaw, author of the recent collection of poems _The Beginning of the Fields_ and alumna of Swarthmore, will read selections from her book at the Swarthmore Public Library. In the past, Shaw has taught the Advanced Poetry Workshop
At the beginning of this semester, two new security guards began patrolling campus during the 9:00pm to 3:30am shift. These guards are employed by AlliedBarton, a security firm that was contracted by the college to provide additional nighttime security; however, their presence
Since a magnitude 7.0 earthquake devastated the nation of Haiti in January, the campus community has united several times to show support, to raise awareness, and to raise funds. Still, according to Jamila Hageman '13, a member of the Coalition for a
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