Payment for StuCo, StuCo Elections, and Picnic Tables

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

Payment for StuCo Members

StuCo Lounge, held this past week, offered students a chance to discuss payment for StuCo members. Students generally supported payment for StuCo members eligible for work study. Still, some concerns were raised. According to Watufani Poe ’13, Campus Life Representative, many students felt that StuCo was “being paid just to be paid.” StuCo members also received feedback from students concerned over the fact that there are many other leadership positions on campus which are not paid. In addition, Dan Symonds ‘11, Financial Policy Representative, said that many students who approached him were concerned with how hours would be logged.

A forum for discussion on the payment of StuCo members will be held this Tuesday, April 6th, at 7:30 pm in Kohlberg Coffee Bar. StuCo also plans to publish an editorial in the Phoenix and the Daily Gazette listing the pros and cons of paying StuCo members later this week. StuCo also discussed writing a survey to judge how work study commitments effect students’ involvement in extracurricular activities.

StuCo Elections Schedule

April 12th – Announcements will be published.
April 13th – StuCo Lounge will be held and discussion will focus around various StuCo positions and the duties involved with these positions.
April 19th – Platforms will be due.
April 22nd – StuCo will hold a question and answer session with the candidates.
April 23rd – Voting will begin.

Picnic Tables

StuCo spoke to Facilities in regard to buying picnic tables to be put behind Sharples. According to Esther Burson ‘10, Educational Policy Representative, the administration seems to agree with the proposal but Jeff Jabco, Director of Grounds, has pointed out that drainage of the area behind Sharples and lawn mowing would become issues.

StuCo also discussed putting picnic tables on the terrace in front of Sharples but Jabco was concerned that the picnic tables would be expensive if the aesthetic of the campus was to be maintained. StuCo plans to continue to discuss alternate possibilities with Facilities and Dining Services.


  • The bikes purchased as part of the bike share program, approved last semester, need to be cataloged and will then be ready for use.
  • StuCo spoke with the RAs in Mary Lyons about improving the shuttle schedule from campus to ML. Will Treece ‘11, an RA in ML, created a revised shuttle schedule that would minimize the amount of time students would spend waiting for shuttles. StuCo plans to talk with Dean Campbell about making the shuttle more reliable.
  • After receiving an email from a concerned student, StuCo plans to speak with Dean Campbell and President Chopp about opening Sharples for breakfast on Sundays.
  • Rachel Head, Assistant Dean for Residential Life, approached StuCo about holding a discussion on Financial Aid during orientation this fall. Head hopes that students will be interested in learning about financial aid from current students as well as from administrators and faculty.
  • StuCo has tentatively scheduled a party to encourage interaction with students for Saturday, April 17th. StuCo hopes to hold the party outside during the afternoon.
  • StuCo discussed how to make the van and shuttle services more reliable after the shuttle to King of Prussia failed to operate regularly for the past two weekends.
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