
Orientation to be Hosted on YouTube

The Dean’s Office and Orientation Committee are sponsoring a plan that would make orientation week for the class of 2015 entirely virtual, including a series of YouTube videos and other interactive features.
April 1, 2011

Sharples TV Finally Hooked Up, to Cornell Bathroom Feed

Last night, Dining Services informed the Gazette that two students confessed to installing the camera in Cornell bathroom. They were caught trying connect a feed of the footage to the previously unused plasma screen TV in Sharples, according to newly revealed details
April 1, 2011

StuCo Report: Footrest, Ville Points, Long Term Goals

At Sunday’s StuCo meeting members congratulated each other on the accomplishment of an inexact number of short-term goals, including the construction of a proportionally large footrest for the big chair and a long-awaited resolution to the Ville Points issue. Also settled were
April 1, 2011
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