February 2019 - Page 5

History Majors: A thing of the Past?

With the boom of tech and computer industries, an increasing number of students are choosing to major in the S.T.E.M. fields. Even in liberal arts colleges, humanities majors are finding themselves fewer in number each year. One especially dwindling major is the
February 21, 2019

Modern Monetary Theory Isn’t a Panacea

Modern monetary theory, which holds that the government can massively increase spending without worrying much about the deficit, has recently been thrust into policy debates by progressive members of Congress. Some members have advocated for MMT to shape how Congress thinks about
February 21, 2019

Don’t Impose Identities on Others

Assumptions are some of the earliest developed tools we humans have, ingrained in us from those older ones who “know better.” Whether learned through stereotypes or overdone jokes, it’s not particularly uncommon to have ready-made expectations about what identities people may have
February 21, 2019

Surprise visit disrupts SGO vote on BDS resolution

Two weeks ago, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) approached the Student Government Organization (SGO), proposing a SGO resolution in support of the Boycott, Divest, Sanction (BDS) campaign. SJP launched the campaign in October 2018, which calls the Swarthmore College to divest
February 14, 2019

OSE Lanches Parties in Parrish Parlors

The Parrish Parlors, home to impromptu piano concertos and napping students, will now also host student-run parties. The initiative by the Office of Student Engagement (OSE) will endow students with a budget of around $200 to independently organize and host themed dry
February 14, 2019

Occupy The Truth: Beginning the Journey

It was a rainy week in December of 2016, definitely not good baseball weather. It was a normal day, nothing out of the ordinary. The clock struck four and people shuffled out of their seminars and to their respective activities, maybe going
February 14, 2019

The $0 OneCard Challenge

It was November. Who was it? Us. What was it? Entrapment. A new game to assert one’s dominance: depleting every scarce category on our OneCards. While more frugal students might use their meal plans as a way to learn responsible financial skills,
February 14, 2019

Sunrise Watch Party Previews Next Steps Towards Green New Deal

On February 6, 2019, over 40 students attended Sunrise’s watch party on Facebook in Trotter Hall, where Sunrise Movement members and Naomi Klein, climate change activist, outlined the movement’s next steps toward bringing the Green New Deal to Congress. Swarthmore’s Sunrise chapter
February 14, 2019
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