November 2012 - Page 2

Apparate to Paces for a Mind Fuck

With tears in his sometimes green, sometimes blue eyes, Josh McLucas ’15 related the sometimes tragic, often challenging, ever exciting process of creating “The Horizon (Line): Salvador Dali Fucks With You For An Hour In Paces,” the first devised piece by Swarthmore’s
November 29, 2012

Life of Pi: The (Other) Boy Who Lived

About halfway through Ang Lee’s extraordinary 2001 movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, just as the pace is quickening and the plot is intensifying, we suddenly find ourselves in an empty desert. This is a flashback, but we do not yet know this.
November 29, 2012

Giving Thanks or Why Can’t I Write?

It’s come and gone. No, not Thanksgiving — I’m referring to the yawning abyss whose arrival I fear with the very quarks of my being: a lack of ideas, an inability to write. Read along as I try to figure out why
November 29, 2012

Bloody, But Unbowed

John Seaman’s life, as described in his recently self-published memoir, “Bloody But Unbowed,” is as eccentric as the man it captures in its pages, and equally defies attempted categorization. A self-proclaimed atheist, Naturist, nude photographer, recovering schizophrenic and Swarthmore graduate, Seaman and
November 29, 2012

Hot Diggity Dog: Phil Everson and Otis

Meet Phil Everson, Statistics professor, and his five-and-a-half-year-old mixed German Sheppard and Golden Retriever. “THIS ONE CHOSE US:”  Phil and his wife, Andrea, decided to add a new member to their family two years after their previous dog, Miles, passed away. (The
November 29, 2012

Swarthmore Quidditch

As Swarthmore undergoes its now annual transformation into a secluded wizarding utopia, you may notice that, well, it already is one. We don’t, admittedly, have a massive lake populated by merpeople — and the continued lack of any courses touching on Arithmancy
November 29, 2012

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