October 2012 - Page 7

Wowed by Warhol: An Indelible Fall Break Excursion

Hacked Super Mario Brothers. Pillow-shaped silver balloons. Velvet flowers. Dr. Scholl’s Corns. Cat litter. Urine as paint. Cellophane-wrapped candy. All this, and a dizzying amount more, await visitors to “Regarding Warhol: Sixty Artists, Fifty Years,” the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s latest blockbuster
October 11, 2012

Wellness Is For Wimps

Focusing more on wellness at Swarthmore is a crappy idea. Everyone who comes here gets frustrated, sooner or later. Frustration may not be the defining theme for everybody’s experience here, but learning to channel it is definitely on the curriculum.Why should we
October 11, 2012

Rock ‘N Roll v. The Opera

This article is dedicated to the thousands of people reading this paper and music fans around the world — “Let’s Get Ready to Rumble.” The rock band KISS was formed before I was even born.  When I was a little kid, I
October 11, 2012

A Tale Of Two Theses

Kari Olmon’s dramaturgy thesis, whose first reading was this past Friday, and Sophia Naylor’s playwriting thesis, whose first reading was Tuesday, have a few qualities in common. They are both plays. They both have dialogue. Neither is entirely realistic. Beyond these weak
October 11, 2012

Monumental Decay

This past Saturday morning brought with it the stifling realization of yet another weekend at Swarthmore. That isn’t to say that I generally consider weekends at Swat a bad thing, but after five or six spent and forgotten, I was ready for
October 11, 2012

Second Time Around: Where Consignment Meets Affordability and Convenience

Second Time Around Rating: 4 out of 5 starts 1728 Chestnut St Philadelphia, PA 19123 (215) 988-9903 www.secondtimearound.net [googlemap width=”620″ height=”480″ src=”https://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF-8&q=second+time+around+philadelphia&fb=1&gl=us&hq=second+time&hnear=0x89c6b7d8d4b54beb:0x89f514d88c3e58c1,Philadelphia,+PA&cid=0,0,17702212165615423532&ei=YxF2UMfVAsrZ0QGZ3oGgAw&ved=0CHsQ_BIwAA”] Second Time Around is a consignment shop which is part of a national chain with 33 locations in 13 states.
October 11, 2012

Spinning the Debate

Last Wednesday, Mitt Romney cantered into Swarthmore College, albeit virtually on CNN. The Swarthmore Democrats, Swarthmore Conservatives, Students for Obama, and other clubs convened for reactions that were certainly rowdier than those at the silent auditorium at the University of Colorado. Besides
October 11, 2012

For Educational Policy Representative: Ben Goloff ’15

Thank you for considering my candidacy for Educational Policy Representative! A few quick words about me: I’m a sophomore from New York City and a prospective Biology/Environmental Studies major.  I’m a co-facilitator of Earthlust, and I love playing the violin in Swat’s
October 11, 2012
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