See You Sweat: Injury Reserve at Olde Club

Injury Reserve’s set began with a simple, sad piano line. Those familiar with the song whispered excitedly or shouted in anticipation. The Friday night crowd in Olde Club wouldn’t be left waiting long as the explosive drums and vocals kicked “Oh Shit!!!,”

Your New and Improved Winter Playlist

Tired of listening to the same old Christmas songs now that it’s February? Wish you had the perfect playlist to take you somewhere warmer? Have some songs in mind now that you’ve read those first few sentences and want this list to

See You Sweat: Injury Reserve at Olde Club

Injury Reserve’s set began with a simple, sad piano line. Those familiar with the song whispered excitedly or shouted in anticipation. The Friday night crowd in Olde Club wouldn’t be left waiting long as the explosive drums and vocals kicked “Oh Shit!!!,”

Jukebox: the power of the playlist

I have a playlist for just about every genre and every mood. There’s “Air Karaoke.” “Lazy.” “Jitters.” “Covers.” “Classic Rock.” “If You Don’t Know the Song, Ask Your Parents.” I could keep going. “Boy Bands.” “Candy Kids.” “Jukebox.” “Dance Around.” There are

A reflection on self-efficacy and social media

A couple weekends ago, I saw Chris Thile, a mandolin-playing musician with three Grammys and the MacArthur Genius Award. During a pre-show demonstration for Swat students and staff, Thile spoke about a delicate part of being human. He presented us with a

An Early Evening with Chris Thile: Look Back

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. Not only

Floating concerts spring up across campus

The Swarthmore Floating Concert Series, a pop-up concert project created by Jonathan Kay ’20 where students are given the location an hour before the event, has eight more shows lined up this semester. Various factors influenced Kay’s creation of the event, including

Cultural appropriation in trap must go

Appropriation of black style is and has been a prominent issue in discussion surrounding pop culture. In my view black culture is pop culture, therefore any assimilation of pop culture is an assimilation of black culture. This dynamic of incorporating aspects of

El Homenaje celebrates Latinx culture, heritage in Kitao

El Homenaje (The Tribute) lived up to its name as a celebration of Latinx culture and heritage. Held on Friday, Oct. 28th in the Kitao Art Gallery, the event featured performances and artwork by Latinx students and alumni. A collaboration between the

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