highlights - Page 4

Evaluating the safety of our staff in a snowstorm

The snow piles up on the ground outside, finally beginning to slow, yet its remnants promise to keep the conditions for the day dangerous and uncertain. Branches and fallen trees block pathways in the borough, and some residential areas darken as a
March 16, 2017

There’s Always Magic in the Air on Broadway

What’s the one thing you absolutely must do while you’re in New York City? The obvious answer, at least to me, is to have a Broadway marathon. Four shows, two days, and one very starstruck musical theater aficionado: here’s the story of
March 16, 2017

SGO adds speaker of the senate position

Swarthmore’s Student Government Organization voted to add a new speaker of the senate position to its executive board at the end of the Fall 2016 semester. This change to the constitution, which required a two-thirds vote of the executive board, will
February 9, 2017

Browning America: Into the alterity of mestizxs

In the colonial lexicon of Latin America during the 19th century, mestizos were perceived as subordinate iterations of the white, European self. This class in the caste system consisted of people of mixed Spanish and indigena lineage, occupying the intermediate space of
February 9, 2017

Wing Bowl – An Eccentric Philly Tradition

 On an average Friday morning, everyone is usually sound asleep in bed, and trying to catch a few hours of sleep before the next day’s classes. Instead, my roommate and I decide to take a 4:30am ride into the city to witness
February 9, 2017

Title IX hosts conversations on sex & relationships

Starting Monday, Feb. 13 and continuing through Friday, Feb. 17, the Title IX House, in conjunction with other campus organizations, will host five educational and recreational activities during its Healthy Sex and Relationships Week. The week’s activities aims to raise awareness
February 9, 2017

Trump and the violent, enraged Muslim ‘other’

Much has been said about the implications of the executive order signed by President Donald Trump that bans immigration from seven Muslim-majority nations, indefinitely ends the acceptance of Syrian refugees into the United States, and suspends the U.S. refugee program at large
February 9, 2017

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