Phoenix moves to “Latinx”

“Hey, do we correct for ‘Latinx’?” was a question that baffled the copy editors at the Phoenix some weeks ago. The Associated Press handbook, always consulted and ready at hand, had none of its usual wisdom to offer on this particular occasion.

Swatlight welcome addition to admission programs

We at the Phoenix applaud the college on the addition of a new event held during admissions season, Swatlight. The program is geared specifically towards low-income, minority, or first generation students who have been admitted to Swarthmore. While Swatstruck, the newest incarnation

We are what we eat

We at the Phoenix look forward to Wednesday nights for two reasons. The first is getting to publish an amazing piece of journalism for the Swarthmore community, obviously. The second, which is far more important, is the arrival of Pasta Bar on

Distractors from debate

Distractors from debate As a student run publication, we at The Phoenix ascribe a high value to discourse and open conversation on the issues that affect our collective Swarthmore experience. This week’s Phoenix includes a letter written by President Valerie Smith and

College investments raise concerns of financial prudence

We at the Phoenix started off the year by praising the college for its various and diverse developmental projects, noting that there was a clear effort to work towards improving various aspects of students’ experience here at Swarthmore. While this continues to

Administration aggravates party policies

Over the course of the past two academic years, the college has taken steps to drastically change the on-campus social scene, especially with regards to student-planned events. We at the Phoenix believe that these policy changes have had a detrimental effect on

Swarthmore students struggle with storage

Over half of all Swarthmore students hail from regions outside of the Middle Atlantic. These students hail from distant nations like New Zealand, and far out states like California. At the end of each summer, these students return to Swarthmore as they

College improves technology, setting high hopes

With the start of the new year often come noble resolutions that usually go unfulfilled, and lofty goals that remain unachieved. However, we at The Phoenix find it heartening to see that the college appears to be acting on its commitment to

Work of administrators should be applauded

During the last few weeks of media coverage, several hot-button issues have come to the forefront of campus discussions. Anti-black violence at Yale, Mizzou, and other college campuses, terror attacks in Paris and elsewhere, and a new barrage of mass shootings in

Shows of solidarity important in any capacity

Over the course of the past two-and-a-half weeks, a series of violent and saddening events have shaken the world and inundated news and social media feeds alike. From acts of racism and violence on college campuses like Yale and Mizzou, to the

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