Shreya Chattopadhyay

Construction for new apartments causes move-in delays

Students slated for early move-in to the new PPR apartments will have to wait an extra week to be given access to the new dorm. Fifteen students were scheduled to move into new PPR on Saturday, August 19. Isaiah Thomas, Assistant Director
August 23, 2017

Students to march on Washington for climate justice

On April 29th, Swarthmore students will be marching around the White House, along with thousands of other protesters, for the People’s Climate March in Washington D.C. Although the march is a national event, Mountain Justice, Green Advisors, and the Sustainability Office are
April 20, 2017

From juniors to sophomores: majors we love

As spring semester trudges on, sophomores officially declared their majors on Monday, Feb. 6. While the college offers around 50 major and special major programs, some are more popular than others. Raina Williams ‘18 is majoring in economics, one of the top
February 9, 2017


When I walked into Scheuer room in the late afternoon of Jan. 20, the first thing I heard was Beyoncé. The second was laughter. The dark carpet and the large, circular tables were covered with signs, markers, paper, and people, with warm
January 26, 2017

Dominican Nationalism Abroad

I walked into a warm, stuffy room on the third floor of Trotter on Wednesday, Nov. 16. The seminar-style table contained noticeable amounts of food on platters but a distinct lack of other people. Eventually, a few professors walked in, as well
December 1, 2016

Late-Night Dumpling Service Begins

Late Nite, a sushi and dumpling delivery business, opened its doors for the first time on Thursday, October 27th. The business, started by Henry Han ’20 and Natasha Markov-Riss ’20, works to serve food at times when other places on campus are
November 10, 2016


On a cold, rainy, October night – one of the last cold, rainy, October nights – a group of people gathered behind Parrish to escape the rain. They mulled over, reminisced about old memories, laughed. They lit sparklers, took pictures. After the
November 10, 2016

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