Swarthmore's ITS received fewer RIAA file-sharing notices, but administrators hesitate to attribute this to success of new policies. Other possibilities include the rise of Youtube and Pandora or merely a quiet time in the RIAA's aggression.
The Philly Shuttle, Swarthmore’s program providing free transportation into Philadelphia, halted when its driver Bill Wilson retired last spring. Wilson had driven the shuttle since the program began in September [...]
They are stacked in small cubes at the very back of the bookstore next to Kathleen Grace’s office. She leaves her door open to listen to customer’s reactions. “That one’s [...]
When students came back to Swarthmore after the summer, a new Swarthmore village greeted them. The town is now dotted with empty buildings as several businesses either collapsed or changed locations. [...]
With Al Bloom's upcoming retirement, the Executive Search Committee was formed last semester to find the new head of our college. True to our Quaker roots, the committee is comprised [...]
Once again, Jamboree staged Swarthmore’s finest a capella groups, with the unfortunate exclusion of Cantantrix. The event was an improvement on last year, both in musicality and in theatrics. Grapevine’s [...]
The Junior housing lottery opened with handful of open single-occupancy and many multiple-occupancy rooms. The first room went to number 416. Several dorms were closed to certain genders to preserve [...]
Several confused students recently asked the Gazette how to submit announcements to the new Reserved Student Digest system. Student Council Secretary Liana Katz ’10 offered DG a list of instructions [...]
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