Chelsea Clinton Visits Swarthmore

Swarthmore has not had the best track record of receiving presidential figures. Last year former President Bill Clinton was considered but not able to be received by Swarthmore and instead [...]

Rajasthani Folk Artists Perform at Swarthmore

Swarthmore campus received a bright touch of color this past Thursday as the Dance department hosted Rajasthani folk artists, known as Merasi, to perform traditional music and dance. The Hearts [...]

Class of 2012 By the Numbers

Class of 2012 - 6,118 applications -929 admitted, for an expected class of 370 students -15% acceptance rate; 17% for the class of 2011 and 19% for the class of [...]

Green Advisers Give Away Green Mugs

Green has become the new black at Swarthmore as grass-colored coffee mugs have suddenly become an ubiquitous accessory. If you’re a student, you either have one of these cups or [...]

Lecture: Gender Inequality in India and the Power of TV

The experience of listening to Economics Professor Emily Oster’s lecture was similar to reading Freakonomics in discovering innovative relationships between seemingly unrelated trends. The young professor from the University Chicago [...]