Nick Gettino

Updates on StuCo Long-Term Goals

As the semester nears its end, Student Council members are taking a critical look at their long-term goals. While some objectives are coming to a close, others are being extended to next semester for further revision and work.
April 12, 2011

Poetry Reading and Prize Announcement by Kate Northrop

Poet Kate Northrop visited Swarthmore College on Tuesday, April 5th to read a few of her recent works and to announce this year’s student prizes in poetry. Students, faculty and community members filled Kohlberg’s Scheuer room with a lively hum as Northrop
April 5, 2011

Watson Fellow Nell Bang-Jensen ’11

Recently, Nell Bang-Jensen ’11 was granted a Watson Fellowship for her proposed project, “Names Across Nations: How the Naming Process Reflects Cultural Identity.” Over the course of the next year, Bang-Jensen plans to travel to Zambia, Germany, Morocco, Indonesia, India, Ireland, and
March 30, 2011

Watson Fellow Deivid Rojas ’11

Recently, Deivid Rojas ’11 was granted a Watson Fellowship to travel to Peru, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, and Turkey. The Fellowship was awarded for Rojas’ proposed project, which includes speaking with internally displaced persons about their situation and about the effectiveness of aid.
March 29, 2011

GREENMarch Update

For the third annual GREENMarch, Earthlust is collaborating with other environment-focused groups on campus—Environmental Justice, Green Advisors, Mountain Justice, Good Food and Animal Advocates, and the Womyn’s Resource Center—to coordinate a variety of events.
March 23, 2011
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