Judy Shelton is a Disastrous Choice for the Federal Reserve

Last summer, President Trump announced that he would nominate Judy Shelton, a conservative economist, to serve on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. The Senate took little action towards confirming her until this month, when the Senate Banking Committee held

Iowa Shouldn’t Vote First

Caucus-goers in Iowa participated in the first nominating contest of the 2020 Democratic primary on Monday. A caucus is a party meeting where voters gather to discuss the candidates. Voters don’t fill out a traditional ballot; instead, voters with the same preferred

The New York Times Was Right to Endorse Two Candidates

On Jan. 19, the New York Times endorsed two Democratic candidates for president: Senators Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar. The Times editorial made the case that Warren and Klobuchar are the best representatives of the progressive and moderate wings of the Democratic

Trump’s Nominees Will Undermine the Fed

Donald Trump recently announced his intention to fill the two open spots on the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors by nominating Herman Cain and Stephan Moore. Both have no monetary policy experience and are grossly unqualified for the job, but there’s something

Stop Conflating Election Fraud with Voter Fraud

Months after the midterm elections in November, North Carolina’s 9th District still does not have a representative in Congress. The election in this Republican-leaning district was one of the closest in the country, with Republican Mark Harris recorded as winning 905 more

Modern Monetary Theory Isn’t a Panacea

Modern monetary theory, which holds that the government can massively increase spending without worrying much about the deficit, has recently been thrust into policy debates by progressive members of Congress. Some members have advocated for MMT to shape how Congress thinks about

Schultz Candidacy Might Prevent a Trump Defeat

Howard Schultz, the former CEO of Starbucks, recently announced in a 60 Minutes interview that he is “seriously considering” running for president as an independent in 2020. While we should hope that the field of candidates running against Donald Trump is large,

The Shutdown Discourages Public Service

Though the longest government shutdown in history has finally ended, permanent damage has been done to our government and democracy. The costs of the shutdown are staggering: national parks lacked supervision, and visitors did potentially irreparable damage to fragile ecosystems. Some scientific

The GOP Tax Plan is Worse Than You Think

When Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and signed into law in December 2017, economists predicted that most of its benefits would accrue to the wealthiest taxpayers, with a negligible long-run effect on GDP. Major changes included cutting marginal income