April 2019 - Page 7

Fall Sports Spring Into Offseason Training

As the weather inches closer to spring, Fall-exclusive varsity sports teams at Swarthmore are beginning their spring training. Field hockey, volleyball, and men’s and women’s soccer began training the week of March 25, and they’ve been getting back into the routine of
April 4, 2019

So You Know Nothing about March Madness?

To your dismay, the time has come when Swarthmore’s campus is once again talking about sports. The glorious few weeks since the Super Bowl that saw the student body sadly slump back into an academic slumber have come and gone. Now, talk
April 4, 2019

The Swatstruck You Deserve

As Swarthmore students, we might forget our humble beginnings as prospective Swarthmore students. How could one forget the first time visiting, and being confronted with sprawled chalk writing on the path in front of Parrish? These feverish hieroglyphics can be a student’s
April 4, 2019

Swarthmore and the Post-Modern Episteme

In a recent Super Bowl advert for Pepsi, Cardi B asks us to reconsider the question “Is Pepsi Okurrr?”. “Of Course Pepsi is Okurrr” she says. The “Is Pepsi Ok?” campaign, which has also featured Steve Carell, seeks to soothe a sore
April 4, 2019

Athlete of the Week: Jared Hunt ‘19

Jared Hunt, a senior thrower from Charlotte, NC, was recently named Conference Track and Field Athlete of the Week by the Centennial Conference for his performance at the Alan Connie Shamrock Invitational. Hunt took home first place with a throw of 15.53
April 4, 2019

Swat Ed: Vaginismus

Swat Ed is The Phoenix’s biweekly sex education Q & A. We accept all questions and they are kept completely anonymous. If you’re looking for medical advice or a diagnosis for that weird thing on your genitals, get in touch with a
April 4, 2019

The Paper Jungle: Meet The Phoenix

Published since 1881, The Phoenix is the independent campus newspaper of Swarthmore College. It is run entirely by students, and is published in print and online at www.swarthmorephoenix.com every Thursday during the academic year except during examination and vacation periods. The Phoenix’s
April 4, 2019

DPA Program Sustains Interest Despite Low Retention

While Diversity Peer Advisors are meant to facilitate dialogue, connect to student groups, and educate their peers on diversity and social justice according to the program’s website, current DPAs feel that the loose structure of the program and small scale of influence
April 4, 2019
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