September 2014 - Page 7

NFL steps up, but is not doing nearly enough

The National Football League is currently in the midst of a nightmare. It began on February 15 of this year, when Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice was arrested for striking his then-fiancee, Janay, in an Atlantic City casino elevator and dragging
September 18, 2014

Mushroom tones

Jackson Hart ’17 arrived 20 minutes early to our interview, but had disappeared by the time I was set up for the meeting. He wanted to be interviewed outside in the sun, where the pink stone in his ear glittered impishly. Tucked
September 18, 2014

Faculty considers changes to end of year schedule

On Friday, the first faculty business meeting of the academic year was held in the Scheuer Room. The most discussed topic was student feedback to the spring semester schedule changes that were announced in an email in May. The result of the
September 18, 2014

Juniper Street

“What would it be like if death was your sister?” This haunting question, posed on the flyer just above an aqua-tinged girl sleeping beside a skeleton, beckons theater fans into [redacted] Theater Company’s latest production, “Juniper Street.” After a semester in London
September 18, 2014

Behind the scenes at Rhythm n Motion auditions

“I love to dance,” they all said, in various ways. Rhythm n Motion hosted its fall auditions this past Sunday, September 14, from 1:30 to 5 p.m., and my pride was one of its victims. I do not love to dance. Dancing
September 18, 2014

Baenziger exhibit sculpts gallery as canvas

Nature is a common subject of art. It is romanticized, rationalized, and splattered into impressionistic dots. Although there are a variety of ways to artistically interpret natural beauty, few ways are as inventive as the approach taken by Markus Baenziger in his
September 18, 2014

On Ian Hoffman ’15, from the poet to the poetry

“I would very much like,” Ian Hoffman ’15 confessed, as we approached the end of the interview, “to stop writing.” Regarding poetry itself: “I don’t think it’s ‘important.’ I like writing it. But it’s not important like ISIS is important.” “I get
September 18, 2014

Party overflows during the first wet weekend

After a week’s delay, Phi Psi put on their annual party, “Disorientation” last weekend. Given that the fraternity was the only open space that night, the number of party-goers far exceeded the house’s capacity, causing Public Safety’s involvement. Swat Team members were
September 18, 2014

99 breakups, but no problems for Pig Iron Theater Co. show

The Pig Iron Theatre Company, founded by several Swarthmore alums in 1995, continues to pursue their mission to “expand what is possible in performance by creating unusual and exuberant ensemble-devised works.” Showing at Philadelphia’s renowned Fringe Festival, “99 Breakups”  takes the audience
September 18, 2014
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