September 2012 - Page 13

Dorm Dive: Steven Gu and Harshil Sahai

Steven Gu ‘15 Urban Studies, Political Science King of Prussia, PA Harshil Sahai ‘15 Economics, Mathematics Saratoga, CA Larger than most doubles, facing the Crum and with large windows, rooms flanking the ends of Dana and Hallowell rooms are now prime dorm
September 12, 2012

Investigation reveals Chopp’s sordid past

A multi-year investigation by a team of Phoenix reporters has unearthed new details about President Rebecca Chopp’s past.After reviewing countless documents and interviewing some of Chopp’s closest confidants, The Phoenix has determined that, in fact, Chopp was once a lobbyist on what
September 12, 2012

Barnes Collection’s New Location Dazzles

What is initially most impressive about the Barnes is not its meticulously arranged, first-rate collection of privately-owned Renoirs, Cézannes, and Van Goghs, but the mere architecture of the building. The Barnes Museum is the most beautiful museum in Philadelphia, even more
September 12, 2012

Not Your Mother’s Prom

The high school prom does not usually provide fodder for larger issues of societal representation. It typically entails dancing, hijinks and perhaps tomfoolery — or does it? “Prom: Photographs by Mary Ellen Mark,” on view now through October 28 in the Julien
September 12, 2012

Seasonal Beer Guide: Part II

Even though my previous column was focused on Summer and Fall seasonal beers, I alluded to the fact that having more beer on the shelves is not necessarily always the best thing for consumers. Like any product, a gap between the information
September 12, 2012

Alums Collaborate on Music Video in LPAC

Since graduation this May, Cecily Bumbray ’12 has energetically pursued a career as a singer-songwriter. And while she’s only been gone for a little more than three months, last Thursday Bumbray returned to Swarthmore—not to visit old friends and professors, reminisce, or
September 12, 2012

Tips for First Years: Getting It In At College

Ah, the beginning of my final year at Swat, the only college where students have more homework than sex. Regardless of how much (or how little) sex happens on this campus, I’m happy to be a sexually deactivated student here. And since
September 12, 2012

The 2012 Pulitzer

I think it would be wise to begin with a brief overview of the process by which a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction is awarded. The general outline of the process is consistent, though the specific details of the process vary each year.
September 12, 2012
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