Anne, meanwhile, develops a loving and adorable relationship with Phil (Daniel Cho ’15). Their love is less sexual than Stephanie’s and elicited many “awws” from the audience.
The plot of the play is supposedly about the “admissions mistake,” or the idea that one freshman was admitted by accident and does not belong at Swarthmore. Preston Cooper ‘15 played the devious Dean Durgin, the Deputy Dean of Admissions charged with finding the mistake. However, the majority of the play is more focused on roommate relationships, and in particular, the fact that everyone has some sort of insecurity or issue in their life, just as everyone has value and something to offer.
One roommate relationship, Fred (Navin Subharwal ‘14) and Derrick (Abigail Henderson ‘14), highlights the way in which two people who are socially very different can help each other out. Fred is nerdy; he likes to study and cannot imagine partying on a Thursday night. Derrick is a bro who would much rather get wasted than go to a study session. In one of the opening scenes of the play, the audience sees Fred worry that he will not ever have a social life unless he goes to Derrick’s party. At the same time, Derrick worries that he will fail out of school unless he goes to Fred’s study session.
“I think that the play’s humor provides a great outlet for a lot of the tension resulting from joining this new and diverse social environment,” said McKinnon. A lot of people might worry that if they do not start studying or partying now, it will never happen. By exaggerating that fear, the play shows its absurdity and hopefully helps to alleviate some anxiety.
McLucas played Lesley, a character whom many Swatties can relate to: the overachiever. He walked onstage in a business suit pushing a shopping cart full of books, and stated that he was going to major in everything. McLucas’ character cascaded from intensely focused to certifiably insane. At the first Paces party he got wasted and embarrassed himself in front of the girl he liked — a situation that many Swatties, not to mention college students everywhere, can probably relate to.
When asked what challenges he faced in directing this play, Weiser said, “The challenge was the fact that it all happened in a week. It’s a short amount of time to pull this disaster piece together but it came together well.”