
Record Watch: 9/5/11

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

Men’s Soccer

Fabian Castro ’12 earned his 10th career assist in Saturday’s 9-0 victory over Immaculata.  He is the team’s active leader in career assists.

David D’Annunzio ’12 won his 35th career game – against just five losses – in Sunday’s 2-1 victory over Rutgers-Camden.

Pierre Dyer ’12 earned his 10th career point from the back line with a goal in Saturday’s 9-0 victory over Immaculata.

Cameron French ’14 earned his 1st career point in his 9th career appearance with an assist in Saturday’s 9-0 victory over Immaculata.

Chris Lynn ’14 earned his 1st career points in his 1st career game with two late goals in Saturday’s 9-0 victory over immaculate.

Field Hockey

Gabby Capone ’14 earned her 1st career victory in her 1st career start in Saturday’s 6-2 victory over Virginia Wesleyan.

Meagan Hearney ’15 scored her 1st career goal in her 1st career appearance in Saturday’s 6-2 victory over Virginia Wesleyan.

Beth Johnson ’15 scored her 1st career goal and registered her first two assists in her 1st career game in Saturday’s 6-2 victory over Virginia Wesleyan.

Nia Jones ’14 earned her 20th career point with a goal in Saturday’s 6-2 victory over Virginia Wesleyan.

Aarti Rao ’14 earned her 10th career point from the Garnet midfield with an assist on Jones’ goal in Saturday’s 6-2 victory over Virginia Wesleyan.

Julia Tallarico ’13 scored her first career goal off a well-struck penalty corner in her 36th career appearance at back in Saturday’s 6-2 victory over Virginia Wesleyan.

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