women - Page 3

Professors call for increased faculty diversity

Of the 180 tenure and tenure-track faculty positions at the college, 45 percent are occupied by women and 36 percent are occupied by individuals who identify as members of racial and ethnic minority groups. Of the 75 female tenure and tenure-track faculty
February 26, 2015

Why can’t we all be feminists?

I am a feminist, a strong one. Why is this a problem? Why do women cringe away from feminism? There is absolutely no argument that stands scrutiny when considering feminism at the most theoretical level. Feminism does not justify promiscuity, nor does
December 18, 2014

A woman in computer science

Interviewing Swatties after breaks is always fascinating because I hear about all the exciting, diverse ways they spend their time. For Allison Ryder ’17, fall break meant an-all expense paid trip to Phoenix, Ariz. to attend the Grace Hopper Convention. Grace Hopper
October 23, 2014

And the Nobel Prize goes to…

“The journeys that have brought each of us here have been long and varied.” – Ada Yonath (2009, Chemistry) This article is not about the challenges that women face when pursuing elite STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) careers. This article is
October 24, 2013

The Need for Femininity in Physics

Imagine finding these lines in a physics textbook: “A woman is pushing a stroller with velocity V… A woman is giving birth, having contractions at rate W… A woman is scrubbing the kitchen floor with force F…” This is a quote from
October 10, 2013

Knowing our cells

I have recently been reading a collection of essays by biological researcher and physician Lewis Thomas, essays which have been making me wonder: Why don’t we have closer communication with (or at least awareness of) the cells we are comprised of? It
September 26, 2013

Indian Women Still Waiting

You know a country has a problem when someone takes the time to name a culture-specific problem in a foreign language. The gathering of men in public places to verbally and sometimes, physically harass women is called “eve-teasing” in India; it’s as
March 28, 2013

A Look At The Women’s Resource Center

When most people decide where they want to study for the night, McCabe, Cornell, and the Science Center are among the top choices. When many students coordinate their Saturday night plans, Paces, Olde Club, and the fraternities are among the first options
March 7, 2013

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