study abroad - Page 3


For almost a year now I’ve been struggling with stomach issues which have progressively taken over my life. It started out as a sort of uncomfortable affliction, something that I could turn down if I simply paid attention to other things. Then
April 22, 2016

The ties that bind

The other day I stopped by a fruit vendor to get some oranges. I was alone, and not in the best of moods, which explained why I was alone and why I wanted to get something sweet inside of my stomach. Recently
February 11, 2016

The belly of the Atlantic

I remember once going to the beach on a school field trip. We went to Sandy Hook on probably the worst day. There had just been a terrible storm, the likes of which blew hundreds of jellyfish onto the shore, waiting to
February 4, 2016

Discovering tragedy from thousands of miles away

This semester, I am lucky enough to be studying abroad at the University of St Andrews in St Andrews, Scotland. The past month has been a whirlwind of re-experiencing freshers’ orientation, going out to pubs (I’m legal here!), and remembering how school
October 8, 2015

Postcards from abroad: Julian Randall

Dear Campus Journal, My experience abroad has so far been unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced! As a few people back home and at Swat know, this is my first trip outside the country, so everything from customs, to inflight movies, to
February 20, 2014

Postcards from abroad: Sara Morell

Dear Campus Journal, So I’ve been in Rabat for the past two weeks and am absolutely loving my time here!I’m taking classes through a program called AMIDEAST with about 27 other American students. My host mom has promised to teach me how
February 14, 2014

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