politics - Page 7

Stephen Walt: Foreign policy-wise, Trump is much of the same

Phi Beta Kappa lecturer and foreign policy expert Stephen Walt offered harsh criticism of the American foreign policy establishment last Thursday, Oct. 26. In his talk, titled “Where is U.S. Foreign Policy Headed?” Walt argued that foreign policy under president Trump is
November 2, 2017

Group of indigenous students speak on protests of injustice

Swarthmore is often referred to as a bubble, separate from the outside world, but for many marginalized groups this campus is simply an incubator. Swarthmore is not immune to issues of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, colonialism and the preference of funds over
October 12, 2017

From the heart of a Las Vegas local

I am studying abroad in Cape Town right now, but my heart is in Las Vegas. My mind can’t decide whether to cry or dissociate, pretending that one of the worst mass shootings in the history of the United States did not
October 5, 2017

You oughta know my name by now

Patrioque assentior ea vim. Volutpat salutandi ex his, cu sea soluta melius gubergren, has latine reprehendunt ea. Has appetere electram persequeris eu. Et enim legere mediocrem est, ad eos legendos qualisque mediocritatem.
August 5, 2017

The Value of Science

The historic March for Science, a worldwide protest led by scientists and activists in support of the value of scientific inquiry and evidence-based policymaking, took place this past Saturday. One of the signs at the March read “I have faith in facts,”
April 27, 2017

Is America Really a Democracy?

Despite one’s political leanings, President Trump’s election is a phenomenon in need of an explanation. How did Donald Trump, a businessman of no experience with public policy, become the leader of the free world? More specifically, how did he lie his way
April 13, 2017

A tale of two countries

A couple of days ago, I went to a faculty-led panel discussion on Fidel Castro, the former president of Cuba who passed away last year. Before the talk, I knew embarrassingly little about this controversial figure, except that he was a socialist.
April 6, 2017

SAO refocuses toward more political role

The Swarthmore Asian Organization is shifting to become a political group. This change, which comes after decision made by SAO leadership in the 2015-2016 school year, was marked by a “re-birthday party.” The event was both a 30th birthday for the group
March 30, 2017

The dangers of insularity

President Trump ran on a platform of nationalism, protectionism, and isolationism from both economic and social standpoints; his anti-immigration stances and his proposed pro-tariff policies are salient examples of Mr. Trump’s embodiment of the populist ideals that seem to have taken hold
March 16, 2017
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