politics - Page 4

Swat Community Grapples with War in Ukraine

Less than a week since Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine on Thursday, Feb. 24, Russian forces have already destroyed hundreds of “transport infrastructure facilities, homes, hospitals and kindergartens,” killed at least 2,000 people, and forced an estimated 650,000 people to neighboring
March 3, 2022

On Denialism

Every day I wake up in denial. I need to deny the absolute insanity of the world we live in just to function on a day-to-day basis. I actively push aside thoughts about how I am affected by and how I am
April 9, 2021

What Would a “Democratic” Russia Look Like?

From the first Tsars of the sixteenth century to the notoriously repressive Soviet regime to the contemporary mafia state of Vladimir Putin, Russia has long been a bastion of autocracy in Eastern Europe. Even the 1990s-era democratization attempt under Boris Yeltsin’s rule
April 9, 2021

Bernie Sanders Can Still Win

Last week, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) held a rally in New York City to show that his campaign is still viable. This rally had an attendance in the tens of thousands and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) formally endorsed Sanders prior to the
October 31, 2019

Go Vote!

On Tuesday, Nov. 5, residents of Delaware County will vote in local elections. Three positions for County Council are on the ballot, as well as the District Attorney, Judge of the Superior Court, four positions on the Court of Common Pleas, and
October 31, 2019

Queer Eye for Hegemonic Capital

The cast of Queer Eye dug into Bernie Sanders in what was ostensibly a critique of style in a 2018 video that has recently gone viral amid the Democratic primary. The cast members extolled Hillary and Bill Clinton, while denying to have
October 10, 2019

Thinking Through Impeachment

The beginning of impeachment proceedings against President Trump will almost certainly define the last stage of his presidency, and potentially the future of both parties. It’s still far too early to know what the results of the impeachment inquiry may be. We
October 3, 2019
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