opinions - Page 4

Voter Suppression in North Dakota Must Be Stopped

One of the most important battlegrounds for determining which party controls the Senate this year is one of the most sparsely populated states, North Dakota. Without a victory in North Dakota, the Democrats’ path to control of the Senate was almost impossible,
November 8, 2018

Your First Semester Grades Do Matter

Editors Note: This article is a part of “Swat Takes,” a curated conversation between two authors about a contentious topic. This article is in conversation with an article written by Daijing Xu entitled “Your First Semester Grades Don’t Matter” “It’s okay; Pass/Fail!”
November 8, 2018

Your First Semester Grades Don’t Matter

Editors Note: This article is a part of “Swat Takes,” a curated conversation between two authors about a contentious topic. This article is in conversation with an article written by Jason Kim entitled “Your First Semester Grades Do Matter” Due to my
November 8, 2018

Traveling is Not a Luxury

Throughout the last century or so, travel has not only become a much more affordable commodity, but has been picked up by the likes of Instagram influencers as a full-time job. With it’s ever increasing availability, it is no longer the stuff
November 8, 2018

It’s Too Late for Positivity

The World Wildlife Fund just published a new report on climate change, and they essentially said that if by 2020 we, as a global community, don’t make drastic commitments to limiting fossil fuel emissions, we could be living in a drastically different
November 1, 2018

Voting to Uphold Justice

As acts of violence and social injustice have become more prominent, I have taken pride in being a part of the Swarthmore community. Often, I feel at a loss for how to address large-scale social issues. But I have gained strength in
November 1, 2018

Letter to the Editor: Beggars Can Be Choosers

Content Warning: Mention of Suicide Reading about Gil Kemp‘s latest ginormous gift, this time for the renovation of Sharples dining hall, adds fodder to my long-standing, love-hate relationship with Swarthmore. Kemp made his considerable fortune as a result of selling and merging
November 1, 2018

The Necessity for an Infusion of Environmental Justice

Earlier this month, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a report warning the world that if we don’t act radically, our planet will, in the very near future, become unlivable. The report states that if we do not reduce greenhouse
October 25, 2018
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