Semester in Review

During this fall semester, The Phoenix collectively dedicated ourselves to living up to our new mission statement:  “We, The Phoenix, aim to empower and serve our community through timely and relevant coverage, continually striving for a fuller grasp of excellence, accuracy, and

Editorial: Semester in Review 

This semester, we have been exceedingly fortunate to serve the Swarthmore community with enriching and thoughtful pieces. Putting a newspaper together late into the night is by no means an easy feat and could only be possible with our amazing team of

Why Effective Altruism: A Response to Wu

Flynn-Do is co-founder and co-president of the Swarthmore Effective Altruism Society. In a recent opinions piece for The Phoenix, Megan Wu argues that Effective Altruism (EA) — a social and intellectual movement that advocates the use of careful reasoning to determine the

Editorial: We Have Too Many Writers

Since publishing our previous editorial detailing all the different ways to be a part of The Phoenix, we have been flooded by a deluge of article contributions. So hear us out: please stop writing for us! We have never had a problem

Editorial: Joining Our Community Conversation

Though we are more than a quarter of the way through the spring semester, the campus can still feel alien at times — more reminiscent of a picturesque landscape on an admissions brochure than an interdependent living community. The familiar faces, events,

Omar’s Critics Do More Harm Than Good

Congressional Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is currently facing large pushback for her recent Twitter posts, which many claim to be antisemitic. While I acknowledge there is a case to be made for linking her comments to certain classic, antisemitic tropes, I believe

Let’s Take A Break

“I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” Lately, I’ve been turning this phrase over and over in my head, trying to make sense of it. I suppose it has always somewhat been a part of life, a harmless phrase repeated to us from a

How We Talk About the Humanities

The humanities — defined as the “big four” of English, languages, philosophy, and history —  are in decline. Intellectuals and the public have been warning about this shift for decades and have pushed a wide variety of explanations for the decline: ballooning

Let’s Improve Body Positivity

Celebrities are not the body positive role models women need. I recognize that they have the easiest, fastest access to the mass public and that they may feel as though they are in the best position to point out the inherent flaws

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