music - Page 14

Brittany, Miley and me

Britney’s new song didn’t manage to chart within the top 10 in its first week, but that’s okay—it’s difficult to sing while operating an electric razor. We don’t want that shave too close, so let’s count our blessings that Britney didn’t scratch
September 26, 2013

No “Applause” for this week’s top hits

While I cry over not being able to use my $9.00 dinner meal swipe on food from Margaret Kuo’s at the Science Center coffee bar, I’m going to throw some shade about this week’s Billboard Top 10. 1. I’m really pissed that
September 19, 2013

Songs of Summer Blur Lines and Taste

Two situations shaped my understanding of the “Songs of Summer 2013.” The first: commuting to my internship by car every day and having complete control over listening to “Same Love” or the Bee Gees (I tend to choose the latter). The second
September 5, 2013

Preview: Watching Worthstock

For many Swatties staggering deliriously towards the hazy end of this semester’s classes, laden with work and seared by the indelible imprint of Sharple’s coffee, there is a singular light at the end of tunnel, a solitary specter of summer bliss gorged
May 2, 2013

Big Boi 101

With the announcement last week that Big Boi would headline this year’s Large Scale Event came some surprise, relief that we actually have LSE this year, and at least a couple blank stares and hesitant comments: “Who?” A grunted “He’s one half
March 28, 2013
The six editors of The Daily Gazette discuss the nature of Swarthmore's daily publication with Kristof

Committment-Conscious Cabaret

Do you want to be in a musical at Swarthmore, but just don’t have the time? Paolo Debuque ’15 and Audrey Edelstein ’15 bring you Cabaret Night: excellent musical theater with a low time commitment. Life at Swat can be hectic. Between
January 31, 2013
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