education - Page 3

Admission process discriminatory, some say

A New York Times editorial published last Sunday asserted that college applications that ask about an applicant’s criminal history are unfairly prejudicial in their deterrence of qualified individuals who pose no threat to campus safety. According to the editorial, questions like the
March 26, 2015

A guided tour through our garden home

“We must cultivate our garden.” The Scott Arboretum is the unacknowledged space that bears the fragrant nectar of Swarthmore College like a rose petal bears a drop of water. Arable space is like poetic space, and the Arboretum that hosts Swarthmore’s 2,000
September 4, 2014

Op-Ed: J Street U Responds to SPJP’s Installation

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. Letter Submitted
May 2, 2014

MOOConomics and the overhaul of higher education

The rising cost and deteriorating quality of American Education has demanded the media’s spotlight numerous times in the past two decades. Despite recent optimistic reports of rising degree attainment, the United States is consistently outpaced by its first-world counterparts. Last year, the
March 27, 2014

When the Course Catalog Isn’t Enough

With Swarthmore’s reputation for non-conformity, the presence of special, custom-built majors don’t seem so out of place. Students that feel that their interests don’t fit specifically into any one department can apply for a special major in which they build their own
November 13, 2013

Movement Mania: Theater Course Fascinates and Bewilders

Assistant Visiting Professor of Theater Quinn Bauriedel’s “Movement Theater” course is arguably the most out-there course offered at Swarthmore College. Those theater classes you’ve heard about where students roll around on the ground? — this is it. It’s also an extraordinarily moving
May 2, 2013

“Science for Poets”

Every semester, hordes of Swarthmore students occupy the corridors and classrooms of the Science Center to attend some of the most highly enrolled courses at Swarthmore — introductory science courses in biology, computer science, physics, astronomy and math. These students are diverse:
April 11, 2013

A Letter to My Honors Examiners

To My Honors Examiner: Dangling Apricots. When we meet in 106 days and start our conversation masked as the oral examination, I will deliver, with all sincerity, that humorously abstract phrase. You’ll be intrigued, we’ll awkwardly laugh as if students normally
February 7, 2013

Freedom Now: Black History Month Comes to Campus

February marks the beginning of Black History Month, a month dedicated to the act of remembering and acknowledging. In other words, it is meant to celebrate black life and cultural contributions to all that is America. Much like other heritage months, black
February 7, 2013

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