dance - Page 6

On Pointe: Dancing Through Swarthmore

Like most things at Swarthmore, the dance program runs a lot deeper than it may appear at first glance. Although a small department, majoring in dance at Swat often means exploring multiple fields catering to their unique areas of interest. What makes
February 7, 2013

Death by Ballet: A Definition

I met Galia in Mark Wallace’s first year seminar on religion and literature, and I knew she was a dancer from the start. She started her dancing career in ballet. For thirteen years, from three to sixteen, she had a passionate relationship
November 15, 2012

Behind the Scenes with Rhythm ‘n Motion

Whatever excuses you may have for not attending Rhythm ‘n Motion’s annual fall dance performance this Saturday at 8:00 probably won’t hold up in the dancers’ books. Going out? Consider the show a pregame for RnM’s post-performance Wharton-D party. Tired? So are
November 15, 2012

New Belly Dancing Club Comes to Swarthmore

For all you Pub Nite attendees who grin and bear the booze solely for the final half-hour of stress-blowing shimmying, Thursday nights are looking up. A new belly dancing class, taught by the internationally acclaimed dancer and choreographer Najia of Philadelphia Bellydance,
September 19, 2012

Taiko drum and dance performance celebrates Japan

How can one express enthusiasm, appreciation for life or a sense of perseverance? This past Sunday evening at Lang Concert Hall, 44 Japanese students from Tamagawa University brought a taste of their culture to Swarthmore College, with drums and Japanese music. Through
April 5, 2012

Zane Booker brings LGBT activism, dance to campus

In the latest installment of the Window on the Work series on Friday evening, the Swarthmore Project and the Departments of Music and Dance highlighted Zane Booker’s current piece “Looking for Joe Beam.” His choreography looked to represent the realities of living
October 6, 2011
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