Breaking News - Page 4

Pub Nite in flux

Complicating tonight and future Pub Nites, administrators have told seniors that they may no longer collect money from students attending the traditional Thursday night event. The decision to ban Pub Nite fundraising began with an announcement by Provost Tom Stephenson that the
September 11, 2014

College asks judge to dismiss expulsion suit

The college has fired back in its first full response to a lawsuit filed January 23 by an expelled student. This Friday, the college filed a motion to completely dismiss the complaint filed by John Doe (a pseudonym used by the student), which
March 27, 2014

Former student sues college for improper expulsion

On January 23, 2014, a former student filed a suit alleging that the college violated his Title IX rights and turned him into “the whipping boy that Swarthmore needed to demonstrate its new ‘zero tolerance’ standard” following his expulsion after an expedited
February 14, 2014

Administrators take heat at party policy forum

Following a controversial decision to take extra measures to bar those under 21 from obtaining alcohol inside the annual Halloween Party, Student Council (StuCo), in conjunction with administrators and Public Safety, held a forum to discuss the school’s party policies and present
October 31, 2013

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