Zoha Ashraf

What Happened to Favorites?

My least favorite year of my life was 2007. I was in kindergarten, and we had a class-wide spelling bee. I would go to bed every night with my mom quizzing me on words such as “can” and “ham” and “am” and
April 18, 2024

I Miss Snooki

Summer 2009. The sun is shining, the waves are waving, and Obama is president. The Jersey Shore, as it’s colloquially referred to, is a hotspot for teenagers and youngsters in their twenties searching for a place to relax and spend time with
April 4, 2024


Dinosaur of the Month: Dino Nuggets Growing up, I always had a fresh home-cooked meal ready for me. My mom, through her decades of experience in the kitchen, could whip up sandwiches, curries, and even fried rice in a matter of minutes.
March 21, 2024


Dinosaur of the Week: Microraptor Growing up, I was a big summer camp kid. I would anticipate the thrill of being dropped off at a forest-y campsite with a few of my friends – and a handful of kids from across the
February 29, 2024

Magic Oreo Bars

I’m a religion major. I tend to see God all around me. On those beautiful spring days when the weather isn’t too hot or too cold, I see God in the air. When the sun is out and the sky is blue,
February 29, 2024

Sabbatical? More Like Shabbatical.

One of the darkest moments of my life fell on a Wednesday morning sometime in October of 2023. I was meeting with one of my professors during office hours to ask a few questions about course material and the future direction of
February 15, 2024


Dinosaur of the Month: Pachycephalosaurus Head. Most people and animals have one, and some even have two. It’s no surprise that dinosaurs – creatures that once graced the Earth and practiced stewardship over its lands and skies – also possessed this essential
December 7, 2023

White Monster: The New Kombucha?

“Like, every sip I take of this elixir, I get one step closer to God.” What vision-inducing beverage could Joann Reynolds, a regular at the local YMCA’s leftmost StairMaster machine, be referring to? Maybe green tea, a natural and earthy drink that
November 16, 2023

Ugly Album Covers Good Songs 3

Album of the Week: Proxima Estacion: Esperanza by Manu Chao Music is a beautiful thing. It brings together people of all different ages, races, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, etc. In many cases, music also serves as a bridge between people who speak different
November 2, 2023


Dinosaur of the Month: Brachiosaurus Growing up, I remember consuming a bizarre amount of dinosaur-related media. The Land Before Time, for example, was my favorite show. I found it so enthralling how dinosaurs had their own personalities, names, and families. Another aspect
November 2, 2023

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