Victor Gomes

The Generation Game

The term “generation gap” was introduced in the 1960s to account for the differences between the baby boomers and their parents. What were people to make of their kids, who were so different, so unrelatable? In a sense, this conflict centered around
November 3, 2016

“Full Term” tackles graduate experience

It’s rare that a show, in trying to capture a moment, comes to so clearly define the community which it set out to represent. For Silicon Valley, it’s “Silicon Valley” (coincidence?), for office workers it’s “Office Space” (a movie, I know) and
October 6, 2016

What do we lose when we lose intent?

Chances are, you’ve long found an answer to one of the most difficult philosophical questions. The question is a very insidious one; it shapes not only our morals, but the whole way in which we conceptualize the world. It’s the problem of
April 28, 2016

An exercise in entropy

It’s an oft-stated and well-treaded fact that systems tend toward disorder. This tendency is called entropy, and to say that systems tend towards disorder is to say that the available energy in a system (energy that is available for work) decreases. Another
April 14, 2016

The tree of knowledge of good and evil

In a liberal arts setting such as our own, the aim is critical thinking; through knowledge and wisdom, we may become masters of suspicion. Often, we find ourselves as an institution defending the values of the liberal arts experience, with most appeals
March 24, 2016

Board announces members of the presidential search committee

Today, Board of Managers member Salem Shuchman ‘84 announced the members of the presidential search committee, including himself as the chair. The committee is composed of board members, alumni, faculty, administrators and students for full representation of the campus community, according to
September 4, 2014

Intent vs. impact vs. content vs. context

Last Thursday, Stephen Colbert’s corporate Twitter account shared a questionable quote from the show. The 140 character message said, “I am willing to show #Asian community I care by introducing the Ching-Chong Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever.” The statement
April 3, 2014

Students arrested at White House for pipeline protest

WASHINGTON — Last Sunday, eight Swarthmore students were arrested in front of the White House for engaging in civil disobedience. They joined an estimated 1,500 college students in a march to protest the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline (including a total
March 6, 2014
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