Tom Corbani

Hometown hotties: nostalgia or purely physical?

Welcome back, Swatties! A new semester is upon us, whatever that may mean to you. I look upon the upcoming months revived and refreshed, despite the inevitable stresses to come. This is in large part thanks to a relaxing break, where high
January 23, 2014

Monogamy: fear, fragility, and futile fantasies

For the length of a column, allow me to put aside the eclectically diverse relationship paradigms that have blessed modern romantic lives with templates suited to the involved individuals’ needs. What remains in the scraps of this jumble is the model that
January 20, 2014

The pole, the hole and the itch

Surprisingly enough, the queer community has sex. Although we have yet to be unanimously satisfied with an all encompassing explanation for what it really means to be queer, I feel safe in saying that getting down and dirty with same sex partners
November 13, 2013

The Reverse Side of Flipping

I feel safe in saying that by this point in the academic year, most people here have found a couple new students that they fancy. Not in a creepy way; it’s more of a “we should totes grab a coffee, and by
October 10, 2013

Delving into the ethics of swooping

For the past few weeks, the rumor mill has buzzed with one word. It seems to seep through most happenings and pieces of gossip: swooping. The Kohlberg coffee bar is host to hushed whispers of “did that really happen last Saturday?” and
September 26, 2013

What Carrie Bradshaw forgot to tell you

Welcome to The Spectrum, the Phoenix’s brand-new all-inclusive sex column. Here you’ll find musings, advice and answers to any questions you send in. As I write this first installment, I find myself turning to my iconic counterpart: Carrie Bradshaw, the most infamously
September 12, 2013
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