Even at Swarthmore, we are all Trayvon Martin

Staff Editorial Race and politics have historically converged in the context of national tragedy. Joining the long list of lawful injustices is the Feb. 26 shooting of 17-year-old African-American male Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida. The elements of the case are simple

Talking the talk, but not walking the walk at Swat

Staff Editorial Social dialogue is often pillared by two concerns: commerciality and civic cataclysms. That is to say, we usually reach for the language of diversity and tolerance when we either want to promote something as particularly diverse or tolerant, or when

Politicizing the female body: the war on women’s health

When lawmakers make policy that impacts women specifically, they often justify it by claiming that it is in the state’s legitimate interest to protect the autonomy and dignity of women. It is precisely this oppressive rhetoric about preserving female integrity that is

The moral imperative in actively legalizing gay marriage

In a society where the commanding moral code is imposed by the dominant (those with enough symbolic, political and economic capital to throw around) on the dominated, the legality of gay marriage seems to maintain a prominent position on the roster of

Self-deportation to be a naive immigration policy

The attractive rhetoric about America being the land of opportunity ceases to function once politicians, particularly Republicans, contend that the way to combat illegal immigration and staggering population growth is self-deportation. Yet that is exactly the stance Mitt Romney has chosen to

Collapse of Chester schools: worlds apart, minutes away

The collective familiarity of Swarthmore students with Chester is diverse. In other words, it is not shared. Most likely, interactions with or discussions about the city are tangentially related — and limited — to education department placements, community fellowships awarded through the

Even one year later, Egyptians continue to protest

On Wednesday, January 25th, Egyptian protestors marked the one-year anniversary of the uprising that toppled the Mubarak regime by marching to Tahrir Square to demand that the ruling military council immediately hand power to civilians. The renewal of activist dissent is concurrent

SOPA/PIPA to make Internet a closed marketplace

Unless you’ve recently embarked on an inexplicable hiatus from the World Wide Web, you will have seen the acronyms “SOPA” and “PIPA” plastered on the Wikipedia masthead, nestled in between memes on Reddit.com, or re-blogged amongst posts on Tumblr. Rallying together nearly