Taylor Hodges

After the Syllabus, Beach Tomes

The upcoming summer away from Swarthmore means a rare window of reading books not dictated by sylabi.  For those for whom sudden litereary freedom might be intimidating,  here is a list of summer recommended reads followed by choice selections from Swarthmore English
May 2, 2013

Impermanent Beauty: A Senior Art Thesis

Alex Anderson sits perfect postured on a stool, legs crossed so one knee sits over the other and his right foot bobs off the ground.  His black leather shoe is clean of the red dust that covers the floor of his studio
April 18, 2013

David Linde: An Interview

As Part of The Film and Media Department’s Friday Symposium on the future of visual media, David Linde `82, former president of Focus Features and Chairman of Universal spoke this past Thursday night in Sci 101 about the economic future of the
March 28, 2013

Film Symposium Preview: Visualizing Media Futures

This Thursday and Friday the Film and and Media Studies department will present a series of lectures, conversations, and demonstrations investigating the future of visual media influence through advances in technology. Visualizing Media Futures Symposium will bring six presenters to speak on
March 21, 2013

Disclosure: Proper Garage, Boiled Down

Dance-pop duo Disclosure clearly knows what they’re doing.  The pair has successfully integrated the tropes of the UK’s underground dance music into poppier structures, allowing the band to break into the UK’s top-40 charts and set them on the precipice U.S. of
March 21, 2013

Patti Smith Performs at Bryn Mawr

Patti Smith has had an amorphous career.  Even before she published her National Book Award-winning memoir, “Just Kids,” in 2010, it always seemed salient to ask whether the artist was more of a musician or a poet.  Now after her book’s publication
February 13, 2013

Passing Through Pass/Fail

Pass/fail is a lot of things.  Approaches to the semester are hardly uniform, as every Thursday night of the last semester you’d be just as likely to find a 2016er in McCabe as at Pub Night. At its most fun, pass/fail is
January 24, 2013

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