And here we have it: answers to your most fruitful questions -- about the Crum Regatta, classes, syllabi, and where to make out -- straight from our registrar’s often lushly mustachioed mouth.
The Gazette is starting a weekly feature where we post a show from WSRN. Strokin', named after a song by Clarence Carter, is a show by Andy Forrest '12 and Michael Gluk '12. They play "mostly funk, soul and r & b
If you've got a question you've always wanted to ask registrar extraordinaire Martin Warner, post it in the comments right here, one question per comment. Use the arrows to up-vote or down-vote your most/least favorite, and I'll ask the best of them.
The Gazette explores Swarthmore's hidden places in a new series. In this first installment, we go up into the dome of Parrish, check out what was once a library and then an illicit student hangout, and take pictures from the roof.
Though our time as columnists is fleeting, you will find that our final wisdom-nugget neither drips with false compliments, nor oozes with idolatrous praise.
Full disclosure: In an attempt to mine for inspiration for our column and spare Marianne's partner the guinea pig status afforded him in the last column, we had decided that tonight was the night to snuggle up and watch some skin flicks.
Racism still exists in America, and it wouldn’t be too surprising to find that some members of the Tea Party movement have latent racist beliefs. But even as the prevalence of racism in America steadily declines, Democrats exploit the serious issue of
The conclusion that the Tea Party is motivated by class divisions only tells half of the story. The other half wasn’t emphasized in the New York Times/CBS poll because, well, respondents won’t fess up to it. It’s race.
We’d like to call for a broad and considered school-wide conversation that re-evaluates what types of decisions are important to students, evaluates why those decisions are important, and moves towards re-shaping the way students are included in -- and excluded from --
With Valentine’s Day a safe month and a half behind us, we find this the ideal time to engage with the topic that feverishly consumes your every thought.
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