Powell Sheagren

Doug Varone and Company and Students Oh My

Last weekend, The Cooper Series presented Doug Varone and Dancers, who, in partnership with the Swarthmore Music and Dance Departments, showcased a dance piece that had been lovingly worked on and practiced for nearly semester-long. After a week full of workshops and
November 21, 2019

Swing Tree Conspiracy Part 1: Suspicion

Over the 2019 summer, tragedy struck Swarthmore’s campus as it never has before. Going to school at an arboretum, each and every Swarthmore student feels intrinsically connected with the trees and plants around them, which made the summer storm all the more
November 14, 2019

“Caucasian Chalk Circle” Stunned and Swooned Audiences

Last weekend, a select group of student actors blossomed onto stage. In a scaled-down wooden colosseum-like set made for the play on the LPAC Pearson-Hall Theatre, a heartwarming story was told about a town in the Caucasus mountains in the post-World War
November 14, 2019

Bedroom Scene Breaks Boundaries on Stage

Last weekend on LPAC main stage a student theater production took place, transforming the grand space into an intimate environment between student and actor. With a bed as its centerpiece, actors wandered around on stage before the show began, in a moment
October 31, 2019

Pittenger Door Handle Scandal

Imagine this likely scenario. After a long day working you return to your dorm room, ready to crash onto your bed and relax after twelve consecutive hours of classes, quizzes, and homework. You walk up to the door and reach into that
October 10, 2019

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