Miles Skorpen

Swat Dances to Yerbabuena’s Music

This past Friday, the New York-based band Yerbabuena returned to Swarthmore to kick off the Intercultural Center's year-long celebration of its fifteenth anniversary in Swarthmore College's Fragrance Garden.
September 16, 2007

ITS Unveils Event Calendar Project

Yesterday, Director of Communications Nancy Nicely unveiled a "new, comprehensive events calendar." The calendar, which can be found here, is designed to replace the Event Management System as an advertising [...]
September 3, 2007

Gazette v2.0

The Daily Gazette was founded twelve years ago, just as the Internet was beginning to capture the imagination of people around the world. Swarthmore had just given students email accounts [...]
September 1, 2007

Mac Usage Triples

According to Seth Frisbie-Fulton, the Client Services Coordinator, over 60% of the Class of 2011 has registered a compute running Apple's OS X. We've got a few pieces of software that no Mac user should be without...
August 31, 2007
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