Lijia Liu

Lijia '20 is a semi-cultured heathen who believes sour cream is a kind of yogurt. She would rather spend hours making the computer do her math problems than 30 minutes doing the same things by hand.

A Singaporean’s Take on “Crazy Rich Asians”

(Contains spoilers.) If you asked your barista or Uber driver to name a New York icon, they might say the “Statue of  Liberty”, “Central Park”, or “the Empire State Building.” Ditto for London – “Big Ben” or “London Bridge” — or any
September 13, 2018

Tradition and modernity at the A.A.P.I. Music Festival

On a regular day, the high ceiling, elegant arches, and Gothic windows of Upper Tarble evoke images of western history and civilization. On Saturday however, Upper Tarble became a space for the Asian and Pacific Islander Music Festival. The music and dance
May 3, 2018


You died a day before the ceasefire. Another tally they forget but we remember. You were born on national day: an honor they don’t deserve. They cheer in the city square, Their planes fly past like vultures, their fireworks explode like
April 26, 2018

Crime and Intrigue: a Review of Forensic Files

I grew up around Nancy Drew, Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, and Sherlock Holmes. No, I have never met any of them, but I read about plenty of their adventures. I spent hours in the library picking out mystery novels, fascinated by the
April 12, 2018

Fashion Forays

My friend and I published our first fashion catalogue when we were eight years old. With some old stubby pencils, we scrawled dresses, shirts, and heels on crinkled printer paper. After stapling the sheets together, we proudly wrote our names on the
March 29, 2018

David Corcoran: A Life in Journalism

Last Friday, nearly 60 people huddled in the Lang Performing Arts Center Cinema. Some were there to hide from Winter Storm Riley and the accompanying blackout afflicting other parts of campus. Others were there for the free dinner and complimentary copy of
March 8, 2018

A Taste of Home on Lunar New Year

My parents and I never ran out of plates to use⸺ unless it was Lunar New Year. On that special occasion, we cooked up a storm. We adorned our dining table with dumplings, vegetable stir fry, braised pork, spiced beef, and many
February 22, 2018

Making Black Magic

For the past two weeks, the Frear Ensemble Theater has undergone curious transformations. The seemingly ordinary black box theater became a vehicle hurtling through time and space, transporting audiences to sugar cane fields, cotton fields, and communes; to mystical destinations of unreality;
February 15, 2018

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