Erik Myers

On likes, farts, and Trump

“Political thought and political instinct prove themselves theoretically and practically in the ability to distinguish friend and enemy. The high points of politics are simultaneously the moments in which the enemy is, in concrete clarity, recognized as the enemy.” Sometimes I wonder
March 31, 2016

Over Sharples dinner: an ode to specs

— When confronted by someone new at Swat, do you think you take the “flight” or the “fight” response? “I don’t know. It depends.” — Yeah, I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about the awkwardness of eye contact in Sharples a lot
April 16, 2015

Buying your soul from the liberal arts experience

I was assigned your account, because you’re quirky, and I’m the quirkiest they had. I always say, “If you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation.” So, instead of starting off with quirkiness at Swarthmore College, as assigned, I’m going to
April 2, 2015

What does Career Services do? No really, what?

I stumbled upon Career Peer Advisor (CPA) Stephanie Wang ’17 off-work, doing her homework in Trotter. I needed help on a Cover Letter (CL) I had written for various newspapers, online publications, superegos, Twitter followers, Facebook friends. Like any of Swat’s generous
March 19, 2015

Dorm Games: Trying to create culture from its obliteration

As with any personable, resilient, creative, and obnoxious “Positive Mental Attitude,” or any united concept, principle, worldview, or coherent life goal, really, sometimes I honestly just don’t know if I’m actually supposed to be taking Swarthmore seriously right now. I mean, isn’t
February 19, 2015

Winter formalities, wagers and roulettes

The writer was assigned to the Winter Formal. There was never any promise of a story. Like many Swarthmore students, Winter Formal began at a ‘pre-game.’ Some students had invaded a radio show on the fourth floor of Parrish. “Hey there!” the
February 5, 2015

Discovering the real face of Snapchat

On January 27, 2015, Swarthmore’s many Snapchat users received a snapchat ‘story’ from Team Snapchat itself. “Today we’re introducing Discover,” said the Team: “A new way to explore Stories from different editorial teams. It’s the result of collaboration with world-class leaders in
January 29, 2015

Night of scenes celebrates structure of stages

If you look deeply enough into the rabbit hole, the stained glass windows, the use-value of Essie Mae’s, the dubious exchange-value of its meal credits, across the picturesque courtyard at the weary door of the Intercultural Center, up at the exaggerated Gothicity
December 4, 2014
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