
Anatole Shukla '22 is a senior from Fort Wayne, IN. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of The Phoenix.

quit your extracurriculars

One of my least favorite aspects of wisdom is how difficult it is to acquire. Acquiring wisdom takes time, of course. But it oftentimes also takes emotional difficulty, self-doubt, and, my least favorite of all, soul-searching. I don’t know if people exist
February 13, 2020

Investigating the Cunningham Fire: Part 3 of 3

Nearly two months have passed since the Cunningham Fire ravaged Swarthmore’s most beloved frisbee practice field on September 21, 2019. The field has remained barren and fallow in the time since the flames overtook the soft, manicured grass. Students walking past it
November 14, 2019

Do Memes Imitate Life, or Vice Versa? Signs of the Climate Strike

Last Friday, September 20th, Gidon Kaminer ’22 and I participated in the Philadelphia Climate Strike alongside hundreds of our fellow Swatties and other climate-concerned youth. Naturally, a major facet of the strike’s iconography was composed of signs relating to our collective outrage
September 26, 2019

Investigating the Cunningham Fire: Part 1 of ??

Note: this is satire (or is it??) On Saturday, September 21, in a campus-wide text message alert, Public Safety warned Swarthmore students of a fire raging on the grassy plain known as Cunningham Field. Pub Safe could not identify the source of
September 26, 2019

The Swarthmore Worth Loving

When I came to Swatstruck in 2018, I made sure to ask the quintessential Spec question — “Why did you choose Swarthmore?” — to pretty much every student that I encountered. Generally, the answers either revolved around Swat’s specific academic programs or
May 2, 2019

The Paper Jungle: Meet The Phoenix

Published since 1881, The Phoenix is the independent campus newspaper of Swarthmore College. It is run entirely by students, and is published in print and online at every Thursday during the academic year except during examination and vacation periods. The Phoenix’s
April 4, 2019

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