The Editorial Board

My entrance exam was on a book of matches

Ei mei scripta intellegat. Verear voluptaria eam at, consul putent eu vel. Pro saepe maluisset ne, audire maiorum forensibus eos et. Diceret detraxit vis at. Eum et idque tollit assentior, ullum soleat usu id.
April 5, 2017


In a stunning turn of events, the Board of Managers of Swarthmore College made the decision last weekend to completely divest from the concerns of the college community and invest the college’s entire multi-billion dollar endowment in the rubber duck industry. The
April 1, 2017

Horoscopes: How to Access your Inner Power

Hey, I know your future. So listen up. Aries There’s great opportunity ahead of you, Aries, but try not to take on too much. While your ambition is ultimately a strength, make sure you don’t bite off more than you can chew.
March 16, 2017

A new way to draw

One of Peripeteia’s many workshops this weekend was a two-day drawing workshop in Kitao Gallery called Drawing the Movements, taught by Maisie Luo ’19. Jake Mundo ’18, a member of the Peripeteia planning committee, explains that the goal of Peripeteia workshops is
February 2, 2017

Editorial: Standing Together

Scrolling through various news sources, one can’t help but sit in terror at the thought of the news on the screen. Trump has created an unprecedented executive order that threatens every value for which America stands, including freedom and the right for
February 2, 2017

I’m a high school graduate

Quo natum nemore putant in, his te case habemus. Nulla detraxit explicari in vim. Id eam magna omnesque. Per cu dicat urbanitas, sit postulant disputationi ea. Duo ad graeci tamquam interesset, putant iuvaret vel ad. Id stet malis tritani est.
December 18, 2016

When you tell them the truth

Ei mei scripta intellegat. Verear voluptaria eam at, consul putent eu vel. Pro saepe maluisset ne, audire maiorum forensibus eos et. Diceret detraxit vis at. Eum et idque tollit assentior, ullum soleat usu id.
December 12, 2016

Last Trip to Pakistan

Justo fabulas singulis at pri, saepe luptatum mei an. Duo idque solet scribentur eu, natum iudico labore te eos, no utinam tibique nam. Viderer labitur nostrud et per, disputationi mediocritatem necessitatibus ex eam. Verterem qualisque no per. Id oratio veritus antiopam duo,
November 26, 2016
1 13 14 15 16 17 40

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