
It’s Time for the College to Listen

It is not hyperbole to say that these are historic times. We are in the midst of the largest student protest movement since the Vietnam War. Institutions such as Swarthmore will be remembered for their actions in moments like these. We, therefore,

A Call for an Open Forum

It is a challenging time to be a student at Swarthmore. The campus community is facing several changes that have made student life unlike previous years. The Two Zero By Thirty-Five (20X35) initiative and other construction projects have upended the college, completely

Swarthmore Must Protect the Right to Protest

On campus, the right to protest is being threatened; this right must be protected, not questioned.  On Friday, Dec. 1, the Swarthmore Board of Managers held a dinner at the Lang Center for Civic and Social Engagement. As the dinner started, students

We Must Respect Our Public Spaces

It is almost a common occurrence to get an email from your resident assistant or area coordinator requesting residents to help maintain a healthy and clean living environment. It is so common that one would think the requests would stick. One would

Semester in Review

The Phoenix has undergone both significant change and progress this semester, demonstrating remarkable resilience in the face of budget cuts and staff transitions. We’ve emerged from these challenges with a stronger web presence, a collaborative and closely-knit team of writers and editorial

Building Community and Connecting with our Neighbors

Now, more than ever, is an important time for journalism: it is time to build up our communities and connect with those we might not otherwise – to learn from others’ experiences, listen to people’s stories, and share them throughout our circles.

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