It’s Time To Fix Danawell’s Laundry Room Washouts

The typical Swarthmore student might encounter multiple obstacles when trying to do their laundry on campus. Although it is a positive step to have laundry services included in tuition prices, the college’s few and faulty machines pose considerable challenges. Functioning laundry services

Semester in Review

During this fall semester, The Phoenix collectively dedicated ourselves to living up to our new mission statement:  “We, The Phoenix, aim to empower and serve our community through timely and relevant coverage, continually striving for a fuller grasp of excellence, accuracy, and

Reflections on the New Dining Hall

“Let’s meet at Narples?” is a relatively recent common question on campus. Swarthmore’s newest facility, officially named the Dining Center, has been open for almost three weeks now. This facility replaces the former dining hall, Sharples, an establishment which was a staple

Time to Open the Door for Unlimited OneCard Access

One of the most annoying sounds you can hear on Swarthmore’s campus — especially if you’re in a rush — is the “beep BEEP” of a OneCard reader as it flashes red, denying you access to a residence hall that is not